Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Important Questions for Second MID ( 2-2 )

1. Synchronization of Threads
2. Explain the life cycle of a thread and briefly explain its creation.
3. Explain the terms try, catch, throw and finally.
4. Explain about Adapter Classes and Inner Classes.
5. Explain the following User Interface components.
    a) Labels
    b) Text Components
    c) Scrollbars
6. Explain about Layout Manager and mention the types of Layout Managers
7. Explain the Life Cycle of Applets and give differences between Applets and Applications.

SE :
1. Testing Techniques
2. Testing Strategy
3. UI ( User Interface ) Design Steps
4. Risk Analysis
5. SQA Activities
6. Software Metrics

ES :
1. Define Air Pollution , Sources , Effects and Control Methods
2. Define Noise Pollution and Marine Pollution
3. What is solid waste management ? Causes, Effects and Control Methods.
4. What is sustainable Development. Describe its objects.
5. What is the role of IT in environment and human health.
a) Family Welfare Program
b) Rain Water Harvesting
c) Green House Effects or Global Warming

CO : 
1. Cache Memory
2. Inter process arbitration
3. Inter connection structure
4. What is pipeline and explain the structure of pipeline. Instruction Risk Pipeline

1. What is normalization ? Mention its types.
2. What is a transaction ? Write about the operations, properties and states of transactions.
3. Write about lock based protocols.
4. What are the types of failures in system recovery techniques ?
5. What are the properties of ARIES algorithm ?
6. B Tree structure and operation.

Blog For CSE A

Hello friends, this is Abhishek from the CSE Dept of Mahaveer , A section ( 08 -12 ) batch .. and this is a blog that is completely dedicated for the benefit of our class.

So in here , you will be able find updates about all our activities , plans and stuff that is mostly related to our exams. ( ;) Important Questions ... Answers .. Topics , Concepts and Programs will be available .. ).

Friends ... this is just an initiative and all of you can join the sms channel thereby updating yourself !!!